Press Releases & Statements

June 17, 2010
Teacher Educators: Strong Clinical Preparation is Imperative to Improve Schools, Boost Teacher Quality

May 10, 2010
AACTE, NEA: Effective Teaching Requires Strong State Policies Promoting Preparation, Development, and Effectiveness

May 4, 2010
Statement from AACTE President & CEO Sharon P. Robinson on NRC’s Report, “Preparing Teachers: Building Evidence for Sound Policy”

April 29, 2010
2010 National Teacher of the Year, Finalists Demonstrate the Importance of Strong Clinical Preparation in Effective Teaching

April 15, 2010
AACTE Releases Comprehensive Analysis of National Teacher Preparation Data

March 24, 2010
Teachers Report Satisfaction With Careers, Come From Variety of Backgrounds

March 15, 2010
Statement From AACTE President & CEO Sharon P. Robinson On Release of Obama Administration Blueprint For ESEA Reauthorization

March 12, 2010
Annual MetLife Teacher Survey Looks at the Connection Between Student Learning and Teaching, Expectations

March 11, 2010
Strong Clinical Teacher Preparation a “MUST” For Long-Term School Improvement Efforts

February 17, 2010
Annual MetLife Teacher Survey Sheds Light on Collaboration in Today’s Schools

February 17, 2010
AACTE to Address Teacher Preparation for 21st-Century Learners at Annual Meeting

February 17, 2010
U.S. Education Secretary to Deliver Opening Address at AACTE 2010 Annual Meeting

February 17, 2010
U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan to Deliver Opening Remarks at AACTE Annual Meeting

February 17, 2010
Renowned Authors to Broach New Vision for Transforming Public Education at AACTE Annual Meeting

February 17, 2010
Transforming Teacher Preparation to Be Subject of Major Address at AACTE Annual Meeting
