Home > Press Releases & Statements > U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan to Deliver Opening Remarks at AACTE Annual Meeting
For Immediate ReleaseContact: Kristin McCabe, kmccabe@aacte.org
Washington, D.C. (February 17, 2010) – U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will open the 62nd Annual Meeting & Exhibits of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Friday, February 19.
In his keynote speech to more than 2,000 academic leaders from schools, colleges, and departments of education, Duncan will address the need to elevate the preparation of teachers and principals and discuss the Obama administration’s plans to expand support for programs that will improve teacher preparation.
President Obama’s FY 2011 education budget calls for an overall increase of $3.5 billion in education funding that includes money for programs to prepare, retain and reward effective teachers and leaders. At the same time, the proposed budget would eliminate federal support for teacher preparation under the Higher Education Opportunity Act, the federal law that governs postsecondary institutions, including teachers’ colleges.