Topical Action Groups

Topical Action Groups (TAGs) provide a forum for individuals drawn together by a common interest or purpose within the field of educator preparation. AACTE provides TAGs with operational funds, publicity, online meeting and administrative space, staff support, meeting space at the AACTE Annual Meeting, and the prestige of AACTE affiliation.

TAGs are initiated, organized, and managed by participants, yet approved and overseen by the AACTE president/CEO. They generally focus on matters that a segment of the membership deems to be important to the state of educator preparation. Any individual from a member institution is welcome to apply to join an existing TAG or to start a new TAG.

Interested in learning more about TAGs and how to start one? Download the TAG policies and procedures.

Please contact Brooke Evans,

View current TAGS:

Interested in joining an existing TAG? Send an email to with the name of the TAG(s) that you are interested in in joining.

Please note that TAGs are working groups. Your decision to join a TAG indicates that you plan to regularly take part in TAG meetings and online conversations, and actively participate in TAG projects and initiatives.
