Urban Education

The Urban Education Topical Action Group (TAG) goals are organized to appeal to instructional, administrative, and or academic research leaders who have a commitment to enhancing practices, processes, and norms in urban schools with an additional focus on disrupting educational inequality to advance equity within urban school settings. The TAG aspires to bring together social justice focused professionals within AACTE who represent various perspectives to form a vibrant national urban education network. The TAG’s purposes are unique, as there are no other TAGs that specifically service the urban education niche. Furthermore, our purpose is also in line with the professional standards, goals, and missions of AACTE. Thus, the Urban Education TAG will explore ways our work can build upon the professional practices and the growing body of research which highlights content that promotes urban education through best practices shared via webinars, research reports, and conference networking opportunities. Essentially, in the spirit of learning, engagement, and collaboration, the TAG will encourage members to join together to create bold professional development tools that showcase our commitment to serving professionals in urban education.

Request access to Interested in joining this TAG? Email membership@aacte.org.

For more information, contact:
Amanda Wilkerson,
University of Central Florida,
