Home > Professional Development & Events > Topical Action Groups > Teacher Performance Assessment: Research and Application
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Topical Action Group (TAG) Resources
This TAG seeks to facilitate communication and collaboration regarding teacher performance assessment processes across states and institutions. This TAG also seeks to establish some tangible products such as a potential database on edTPA resources. The TAG will determine which TAG resources will be apportioned to pre-service or in-service evaluation models, or both.
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This TAG is in need of a Chair. For more information, please contact bevans@aacte.org
TAGs are AACTE’s action-oriented study groups and provide a forum for individuals from AACTE member institutions drawn together by a common interest or purpose within the field of educator preparation. AACTE provides TAGs with operational funds, publicity, online meeting and administrative space, staff support, on-site meeting space for an annual business meeting in conjunction with the AACTE Annual Meeting, and the prestige of AACTE affiliation.