Profile Manager

In order for your institution/company to be shown as an option in the drop down, it must have a profile in our database. If it does not appear in the drop down, please contact our Membership Department at 202-478-4516 or to create a profile for your institution/company.

Once you’ve gotten to your profile page, look for the change my password link under the top Menu. Enter your new password, then re-type it in the appropriate field and click Submit.

  • You can change your title, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address by accessing “Profile Manager”. Click My Profile button on the top of the screen or following this link You can also use this link to request a name update.
  • Change your address by clicking the Edit My Address button on the top of the screen.
  • To change information in either screen, make the desired updates and then click Update.

  • Click Add Faculty Member to the left-hand side of the screen
  • Fill out the requested contact information. NOTE: Some fields will be pre-populated based on your institution’s record in our database. These fields can be altered if you wish.
  • Click Add User

NOTE: You must be a Chief Representative or an Administrator for your institution’s AACTE membership to make these updates

This individual has a faulty record in our database, and may be prevented from receiving benefits and information in a timely manner. Hover over the symbol to find out what information needs to be changed.

When removing a faculty member from the Institutional Representative category, please take a moment to review their status. Only individuals with Active status will continue to receive communications directly from AACTE and maintain access to the Members Only area of the AACTE web site. If an individual is marked as Former, it will be our understanding that the individual is no longer affiliated with your institution, and no longer qualifies for member access.

Only Chief Representatives are authorized to make changes to the representative faculty. Please contact your Chief Representative, who may then either log in or contact the membership department at to make changes.

Please e-mail with the name of the former Chief Representative, as well as the name and full contact information (title, mailing address, phone, fax, and e-mail) of the new Chief Representative.

  1. On your profile page, click the Resign from being a Chief Representative link under the top Menu.
  2. Check the box next to your name and click Resign.
  3. Click on the link that appears below to assign a new Chief Representative. You will need to provide a name, title, and contact information for this individual.
  4. The request will be submitted to the Membership department, who will update your information or request clarification within 24 hours.

  • Chief Representative: This is you, the person we have listed as the decision-maker for your institution. Your information is on the left-hand side of the page.
  • Active Voting Representatives: These additional institutional representatives are assigned by you. Depending on your institution’s productivity, you are allotted between 4 to 14 voting representatives (including the Chief Representative). You can view the representatives you currently have assigned, along with their contact information, by clicking on the green Acting Voting Representatives tab in the center. To view and edit their full contact information or change their representative status, click the edit profile link to the right of the desired name.
  • Active Faculty and Staff: These individuals are not assigned voting rights as representatives, but they are listed as current institutional faculty or staff. They are eligible to access the Members Only and PEDS areas of the web site, and may receive special discounts and offers from AACTE. To view this group, click on the green Active Faculty Staff tab in the center.. To view and edit their full contact information or to add them as a voting representative, click the edit profile link to the right of the desired name.
  • Former Voting Representatives: If an individual was once a voting representative but is no longer affiliated with your institution, they are assigned a Former status. You can view a list of former representatives not yet assigned in the database to another institution by clicking on the green Former Voting Representatives tab in the center. To view and edit a former representative’s contact information, click on the edit profile link to the right of the desired name.
  • Former Faculty and Staff: If you have indicated that a faculty or staff member is no longer affiliated with your institution but they have yet to be assigned to another institution in the database, they will appear under the Former Faculty Staff tab.
  • If you want to view all faculty and staff, both Active and Former, click on the View All tab.

Login to

This will direct you to a page where you can view and update institutional and faculty contact information.

NOTE: You must be a Chief Representative or an Administrator for your institution’s AACTE membership to make these updates

If the individual is already on your roster as active faculty:

  • Click edit profile next to the desired individual
  • Under AACTE Status, find the Category option
  • Using the drop-down menu, select Institutional Representative
  • Click Update

If the individual is not on your roster:

  • Add the faculty member by following the instructions under How do I add a new faculty member to my roster?
  • Once the faculty member has been added, click edit profile next to the desired individual
  • Under AACTE Status, find the Category option
  • Using the drop-down menu, select Institutional Representative
  • Click Update

NOTE: You must be a Chief Representative or an Administrator for your institution’s AACTE membership to make these updates

If the individual will remain affiliated with the institution as faculty/staff:

  • Click edit profile next to the desired individual
  • Under AACTE Status, find the Category option
  • Using the drop-down menu, select Faculty Staff
  • Click Update

If the individual is no longer affiliated with the institution (i.e. he or she has retired or moved to a different institution):

  • Click edit profile next to the desired individual
  • Under AACTE Status, find the Status option
  • Using the drop-down menu, select Former
  • Click Update

NOTE: You must be a Chief Representative or an Administrator for your institution’s AACTE membership to make these updates

  1. Find the individual you wish to replace and remove him or her from active voting representative status by following the instructions under How do I remove an individual from active voting representative status?
  2. Add a new voting representative by following the instructions under How do I add a new voting representative?

NOTE: Do not request a name change to replace a voting representative. This will result in faulty records for your institution.

NOTE: You must be a Chief Representative or an Administrator for your institution’s AACTE membership to make these updates

On the left-hand side of the screen, under your profile, you can see how many representatives you have assigned and how many you are allotted.

NOTE: Only a Chief Representative or an Administrator for your institution’s AACTE membership can view this information.

Receipt of many representative benefits – such as the Journal of Teacher Education, access to Members Only online content, and notification of AACTE participation opportunities – are dependent upon us having valid, up-to-date institutional e-mail addresses for your institution’s representatives and faculty. Please be sure to provide a valid e-mail address for all Active faculty. The e-mail should be affiliated with your institution (meaning it should end in “.edu”).

  • Click the edit profile link next to the name of the desired individual.
  • On this screen, you may make changes to the individual’s phone and fax number, e-mail address, category, and status. Make any desired changes and click Update.
  • From this screen, you may also click on the appropriate links to request name change or edit address.

Request Name Change:

    • Use this option if the representative has changed his or her name (i.e. through marriage)
    • Click the link, found below the individual’s Personal Information
    • Change the fields to reflect the name change, and click Send Request. You may also include a reason for the name change.
    • The request will be processed by the Membership department, and online changes will be visible, within 24 hours.

NOTE: This option should not be used to substitute a new representative. For instructions on changing representatives, please view How do I replace an active voting representative?

Edit Address:

  • Click the link, found below the individual’s Institutional Information.
  • Change the fields to reflect the address change, and click Update.

NOTE: You must be a Chief Representative or an Administrator for your institution’s AACTE membership to make these updates

If you are an Institutional Representative or a Faculty Member, you can use this tool to perform the following functions:

  • Viewing your institution’s information
  • Viewing and updating your personal contact information, change your password, manage your subscriptions

If you are a Chief Representative or an Administrator, you can perform all update functions for your institution and its representatives, including:

  • Viewing and updating your personal contact information
  • Viewing and updating your institution’s contact information
  • Viewing and updating the contact information of other Institutional Representatives and non-representative faculty
  • Viewing and updating the representative status of your institution’s faculty
  • Indicating that a faculty member has left your institution
  • Adding a new faculty member to your institution
  • Requesting a change in Chief Representative
  • Assign PEDS Coordinators, Administrators, Billing Coordinators
  • Pay your institutional dues online

Only an individual logged in as the Chief Representative (CR) or Billing Coordinator for your institution’s membership has the authority to pay dues online. If you are not the CR or Billing Coordinator and wish to pay dues, contact the CR to obtain Billing Coordinator access. To identify the CR at your institution, please login to the profile manager or contact the Membership Department at

  1. Login to “Profile Manager” by following this link or clicking “My Profile” on top of the AACTE web site
  2. Once you have logged in, you will have access to your institutional and personal information. Any outstanding dues balance for your institution will display at the top of the CR’s profile page.
  3. Click “Pay now”.
  4. Complete the online payment procedures using your VISA or MasterCard.
  5. Click “Submit Payment”.
  6. Please allow 2-3 business days for your payment to be posted on your account.
  7. Questions? Please contact the Membership Department at (202) 478-4516 or