Event Registration

  1. In the Checkout, select “Confirmation w/Billing Details” for each registrant who should receive a detailed invoice.
  2. Continue by clicking “Register and Pay.”
  3. Choose the “Pay by Check” option and you will see a pop-up screen with specific instructions on where and how to send your check payment.
  4. An invoice will be e-mailed to your e-mail address .
  5. Please include a copy of the invoice with all check payments, to ensure proper handling.

AACTE no longer accepts purchase orders as payment for its meetings and events. We understand that many institutions require purchase orders before generating check payments. In those cases, we advise you to register yourself and/or your group online and choose the “Pay by Check” option on the Payment Verification screen.

This will generate a confirmation that includes the amount due to AACTE, our remittance address, a list of individuals registered, and the meeting/event they will be attending. Please submit this confirmation along with your purchase order to your institution.

If you also need an invoice, complete the registration process described above (or log in to the account used to register), select “My Event Orders,” and then “Unpaid Orders” on the tool bar.  You can then view, print or resend the invoice.

For questions or concerns, please contact Christine Tambini at (202) 478-4591 or ctambini@aacte.org.

AACTE offers a discounted group rate for some meetings. Pricing information should be posted on the web page for the meeting which you wish to register for. Group discounts will be automatically calculated by the registration system, as long as all registrants are either listed in the registration system or added with an e-mail consistent with other e-mails from that university.

For questions or concerns, please contact Christine Tambini at (202)478-4591 or ctambini@aacte.org.

  1. Login using your account username and password (Your username is your institutional e-mail. To retrieve your password, follow the prompts for “forgot password” or the prompts to “create a new account”).
  2. Select the event that you would like to attend.
  3. All individuals at your institution who have accounts in our membership database will be listed. Click the “Register” button next to the name of every individual you would like to register. (Click “Add User” to create a profile for any individuals not listed.)
  4. Click “Add to Cart” once you have reviewed your information.
  5. Once you are in My Event Cart click “Register another person” and repeat steps 3 and 4 for each person who needs to be registered.
  6. If you would like to register another individual for a different event, click “Select Event” on the top tool bar and repeat steps 3 and 4 for that individual.
  7. Once you have all individuals you want to register in your cart, click “Checkout.”

The registration system displays the registration rate that corresponds to your institution’s membership status. If you are seeing the non-member rate then your institution’s membership has lapsed and you will need to contact our Membership department at (202)478-4516 or membership@aacte.org to reinstate the membership.

  • You can change your title, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address by accessing “Profile Manager”. Click My Profile button on the top of the screen or following this link http://myprofile.aacte.org. You can also use this link to request a name update.
  • Change your address by clicking the Edit My Address button on the top of the screen.
  • To change information in either screen, make the desired updates and then click Update.

Once you have completed the registration process for all of the individuals you wish to register, proceed to the checkout page.

  1. On the checkout page, choose the credit card payment option and enter a payment amount that complies with your daily limit.
  2. Click submit to apply the payment to as many of the registrants as it will cover.
  3. You will see a full list of the individuals registered and their outstanding balances in the “My Event Orders” section.
  4. You can make additional payments, at a later date or in another transaction, on the “unpaid orders” page.

In order for your institution/company to be shown as an option in the drop down, it must have a profile in our database. If it does not appear in the drop down, please contact our Membership Department at 202-478-4516 or membership@aacte.org to create a profile for your institution/company.

**Please follow these steps prior to registering and paying for registrations because refunds cannot be processed until after the conclusion of the meeting**

  • The Chief Representative (CR) from your institution must identify Emerging Leaders before they can receive the discount.
  • The CR must log into the registration system http://events.aacte.org
  • Select Annual Meeting from the available events.
  • Select “Identify Emerging Leaders” from the top blue tool bar.
  • Here you will find a list of those from institution who have current profiles in our system. If they are not listed, you can use the “add user” button at the top right of the list.
  • Those who are eligible will have a green “Identify as Emerging Leader” button next to their name, select that to designate them as an Emerging Leader.
  • If they are not eligible for the discount, drag your mouse over the “Not Eligible” field to show the reasons for their ineligibility.
  • Once someone has been designated as an emerging leader they will automatically receive the emerging leader rate when they, or someone else, registers them for this event.