Home > AACTE Annual Meeting 2025 > Annual Meeting 2025: Call for Reviewers
Annual Meeting 2025
Annual Meeting 2025: Call for Proposals
Call for Reviewers FAQs
Thank you for considering serving as a reviewer for the AACTE Annual Meeting 2025 Call for Proposals process. Reviewers are integral to the creation of the educational content offered at the AACTE conference. The advice and guidance from reviewers are invaluable assets to our conference speakers and authors. We would appreciate your support as a reviewer to represent AACTE’s principle in evaluating content for papers and presentations.
Interested candidates should complete the following submission form to be a reviewer and identify three areas of expertise that will guide the proposals that they will be assigned.
Benefits of reviewing proposals for AACTE’s 2025 Annual Meeting
Please note that serving as a reviewer is a selective process, is intended to be considered an honor, and will be publicized to the AACTE community as a form of important service to the Association and the field. In addition to gaining visibility for yourself and your institution, as a reviewer you will benefit in the following ways:
Reviewer Requirements Reviewers should meet the following criteria:
Attendance at the AACTE Annual Meeting is not required to serve as a reviewer. Reviewers need to communicate any conflicts of interest as soon as possible after reviewers’ assignments have been identified.
Scan QR to access application.
Please contact Altovise Davis at adavis@aacte.org with any additional questions.