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AACTE in the News

AACTE and Teacher Education (An overview of AACTE’s 2012 Annual Meeting)

March 3, 2012

Audio Recording can be found here: BlogTalkRadio

Michelle Obama Honors Military Families at White House

December 6, 2011

From ABC Newsby Kristina Wong Earlier this week at the White House, first lady Michelle Obama honored military families and reflected on their sacrifice. “I have spoken with so many military spouses who are raising their kids alone while their loved one is stationed overseas for months at a time. I have heard from so […]

Joining Forces Director Cites ‘Tremendous’ Progress

December 1, 2011

From U.S. Department of Defense By Elaine Sanchez American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 2011 – About 1,500 companies have hired 20,000 veterans and military spouses in the past couple of months, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg for the Joining Forces campaign, the campaign’s executive director said yesterday. These companies aim […]

Louisville Urban League bringing national educator to Louisville

December 1, 2011

From Business First By Ed Green The Louisville Urban League will bring a nationally known education leader to Louisville this week as part of its 2011 Annual Report Luncheon. Sharon Porter Robinson, president and CEO of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, will be the keynote speaker at the luncheon. It will be […]

New Path for Teacher Ed Reform

October 4, 2011

From Inside Higher EDBy Allie Grasgreen WASHINGTON – The Obama administration has proposed to transform teacher preparation programs by directing aid to those that graduate the teachers who produce the most successful student outcomes. The plan would significantly reduce the reporting requirements on teacher candidate preparation that states and colleges must meet under federal rules, […]

Education Dept.’s Reform Plan for Teacher Training Gets Mixed Reviews

October 4, 2011

From The ChronicleBy Collin Eaton Arne Duncan, the U.S. secretary of education, laid out measures on Friday that would change how teachers’ colleges are evaluated and supported, but the plan has some sticking points for teachers’ colleges and teachers’ unions. At a forum here hosted by Education Sector, a nonpartisan research group, Mr. Duncan said […]

Linking Student Data to Teachers a Complex Task, Experts Say

September 6, 2011

From Education Week By Liana Heitin As more and more states push legislation tying teacher evaluations to student achievement – a policy incentivized by the federal Race to the Top program – many are scrambling to put data systems in place that can accurately connect teachers to their students. But in a world of student […]

N.Y. Thinks Outside Teacher Education Box

August 5, 2011

From Education Week By Stephen Sawchuk Of all the states that have taken steps to rethink systems for preparing teachers, New York appears to be experimenting with the greatest variety of approaches. Under a series of actions by the state board of regents over the past 1½ years, it has approved the first new graduate […]

Fighting the Non-University Master’s

August 1, 2011

From Inside Higher Ed By Libby A. Nelson WASHINGTON – A Senate bill that would encourage the growth of alternative training programs for teachers and principals, some of which would not be based at colleges or universities but would have the authority to give certificates considered the equivalent of master’s degrees, has come under fire […]

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