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AACTE in the News

Teacher Performance Assessment Under Scrutiny

May 12, 2012

From Education WeekBy Stephen Sawchuk A column from The New York Timestakes aim at the Teacher Performance Assessment, a performance-based licensing test that about 200 teacher preparation programs across 25 states are now piloting. In essence, the story says that a number of students and faculty at the University of Massachusetts are refusing to participate […]

Getting a teaching license may soon include a new test — can hopefuls handle a classroom?

May 10, 2012

From The Hechinger ReportBy  Sarah Butrymowicz To earn a teaching license in most states, candidates must pass a handful of exams — largely multiple-choice — that test basic skills and knowledge of specific subjects. Some states also include tests that focus on teaching strategies. One state, Montana, requires no tests at all, just graduation from […]

Dr. Biden, Winnefeld Attend Military Child Support Event

April 26, 2012

From U.S. Department of DefenceBy Lisa DanielAmerican Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, April 25, 2012 – Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, joined the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Newport News, Va., today to highlight efforts to help school children from military families. Navy Adm. James A. Winnefeld Jr., […]

Ed Dept seeks to bring test-based assessment to teacher prep programs

April 24, 2012

From The Washington PostBy Valerie Strauss The Obama administration wants to expand the use of standardized test scores as an accountability tool from K-12 into higher education. The Education Department just tried — and failed — to persuade a group of negotiators to agree to regulations that would rate colleges of education in large part […]

Going It Alone: Rule making on teacher preparation programs fails to reach consensus

April 14, 2012

From Inside Higher Ed By Libby A. Nelson WASHINGTON — When the Education Department writes rules later this year that will change how teacher preparation programs become eligible for students to receive some forms of federal financial aid, it will tackle the task on its own. A federal panel charged with recommending how best to […]

Sharon P. Robinson: Chart a Course From What Is Working (Response to “A Little RESPECT for Teachers”)

March 31, 2012

From National JournalBy Sharon Robinson The demographics of the education workforce are sobering. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, significant increases are expected in new public school teacher hires and new private school teacher hires each year between 2008 and 2020. For example, there were approximately 313,000 new teachers hired in public schools […]

Sharon P. Robinson: Teacher Education Reform Centers on Student Learning

March 30, 2012

From Education WeekBy Sharon P. Robinson, Ed.D., president and CEO of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) “Writing the Next Chapter,” “Providing a Learning Journey for All,” and “Embracing the Future” — these are taglines from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education’s (AACTE) 2011, 2012 and 2013 Annual Meetings. To me, though, […]

Globally Minded Teaching

March 23, 2012

From Education WeekBy Anthony Jackson I appreciated a comment posted on this blog a couple weeks back about supporting American teachers and celebrating the great achievements in the American schools, particularly as international comparisons have put the spotlight on school systems abroad. My colleague, Neelam Chowdhary, executive director of global learning programs at Asia Society, […]

New teachers getting ready to be graded on classroom work

March 12, 2012

From JSOnlineBy Erin Richards Before he could start student teaching in January at Sennett Middle School in Madison, Andrew Johnson had to pass a multiple-choice test. The 23-year-old wants to teach high school science, so the exam he took tested his knowledge of biology, chemistry and physics. He had to know the basic properties of […]

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