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Programs & Initiatives

AACTE addresses a range of professional issues through its programming. In addition to signature work in areas such as advocacy, events, and professional learning, the Association collaborates on several services for its members.

AACTE Holmes Program

Since 1991, the AACTE Holmes Scholars® Program has supported doctoral students from historically underrepresented backgrounds pursuing careers in education at AACTE member institutions. AACTE is expanding the Holmes Program to support students at earlier points in their education careers. The expanded programs will provide mentorship, peer support, and professional development opportunities at four levels.

Early Childhood Intervention Personnel Center for Equity

AACTE is partnering with the Early Childhood Intervention Personnel Center on Equity (ECIPC-E), a national center federally funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs, to assist states in building comprehensive systems of personnel development to improve outcomes for infants and young children with disabilities and their families.

Special Education-Affinity Group

AACTE is collaborating with CEEDAR (Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform) in order to offer AACTE members the opportunity to glean insights from comprehensive educator preparation programs and educational partners who have excelled in recruiting and preparing candidates to become fully licensed special educators.

Consortium for Research-Based and Equitable Assessments (CREA)

With support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, AACTE has launched the Consortium for Research-Based and Equitable Assessments (CREA), to evaluate cut scores for entrance into educator preparation programs. Specifically, the Consortium seeks to examine the processes and considerations that states use to determine cut scores, and how they can be refined to attract, rather than exclude, potential teacher candidates.

Global Education Faculty Professional Learning Community (PLC)

The Global Education Faculty PLC provides a peer support network and professional development to faculty at comprehensive teacher preparation programs to effectively integrate global teaching competencies within their curriculum and practices. Through an application process, AACTE members from across the country were selected to serve as PLC participants.

Member Spotlight
"The Global PLC provided a wealth of resources, excellent webinars, and ideas that I can implement immediately. Most importantly, it showed me that there are many faculty members around the country and the world who have the same global perspective as me."
Natalie Ward Headshot
Natalia Ward
East Tennessee State University

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