Regular membership is granted to two-year and four-year, degree-granting colleges and universities with a commitment to the preparation of education personnel.
To be eligible for membership, institutions must meet the following criteria:
- The institution is a two-year or four-year or upper division graduate or undergraduate degree-granting institution.
- The institution’s primary purposes are educational.
- The institution is regionally accredited.
- The institution is committed to equal education opportunity, affirmative action, diversity, and multiculturalism.
- The institution can demonstrate that the preparation of professional educators is one of its most important institutional purposes.
- The institution is committed to the preparation of professional educators for PK-12 schools.
- The institution has an identifiable unit devoted to the preparation and training of professional educators.
- Resources are available to the professional education unit in the areas of personnel, funding, physical facilities, library, equipment, materials, and supplies.
- The institution has written policies and procedures (including admissions and exit criteria, student assessment, and evaluation of graduates) upon which the operation of the unit rests.
System Discount
Regular members who are part of a college/university system may be eligible for a discount in membership dues. The negotiated percentage discount, not to exceed 25%, will be applied to each campuses dues amount, and a total of all discounted campus amounts will be presented to the system office as one bill for payment in full. The percentage discount is determined by the Association President/CEO in collaboration with the AACTE Board.
Are you ready to join the premier national association for educator preparation? Download a printable copy of our regular membership application.
Membership dues are non-refundable.