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AACTE in the News

Not What You Thought on Teacher Ed

March 21, 2013

From Inside Higher EdBy Zack Budryk WASHINGTON — The national group that represents teacher education colleges on Wednesday released data that it says show such programs have become more competitive to get into and more clinically oriented. “The good news is that we are taking selectivity very seriously,” said Sharon P. Robinson, president of the […]

Teacher Ed. Programs Show Signs of Improvement, AACTE Finds

March 21, 2013

From Ed WeekBy Nora Fleming Teacher education programs are using data, technology, and monitoring/tracking systems to improve, but still have a ways to go, says a report from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, released today. According to the AACTE, progress has been made, but obstacles to improvement persist. Not a surprise given […]

Minority Groups Remain Outnumbered at Teaching Programs, Study Reports

March 20, 2013

From The New York TimesBy Motoko Rich Despite major changes in the racial makeup of American public school students, the people training to be teachers are still predominantly white. According to a study being released Wednesday by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, which represents colleges and universities with teacher certification programs, 82 […]

Project Seeks to Trace Development of Novice Teachers’ Skills

March 5, 2013

From Education WeekBy Stephen Sawchuk What skills do teacher education programs set out to teach? What understanding of those topics do their graduates actually come away with? And which of those competencies help improve academic outcomes for students? Those questions are at the heart of a three-year, federally funded study now under way by researchers […]

New Teacher Assessment Tool Making Headway in Education Programs

March 4, 2013

From Diverse: Issues in Higher Education by Jamaal Abdul-Alim ORLANDO, Fla. — When Evelyn Perry — an administrator within the School of Education and Urban Studies at Morgan State University — first learned about a relatively new teacher assessment tool known as edTPA, her first reaction was, “This is a lot of work.” But after […]

Holmes Scholars: The Next Generation of Higher Education Faculty

February 28, 2013

From Diverse: Issues in Higher Education by Jamaal Abdul-Alim Orlando, Fla. – When Saron LaMothe served as counselor for several K-12 schools in some of this city’s most impoverished areas, she used to pick up on cues from Black students indicating that they felt they weren’t meant for certain careers. Sometimes, she said, the cues […]

Ed Crego, George Muñoz, and Frank Islam: Higher Education Reform in Motion

August 28, 2012

From The Huffington Post It’s been said that necessity is the mother of invention. As we have shown in our first three posts in this series on higher education, there is much necessity. This necessity has spawned “inventions” and innovations ranging from system changes at the federal, state and local levels to individual initiatives.

Groups Form Task Force to Sway Teacher-Prep Rules

August 23, 2012

From Education WeekBy Stephen Sawchuk Concerns over teacher-preparation regulations that the U.S. Department of Education is crafting have spurred several higher education lobbies to join forces – a sign that the issue is rising on the agenda of college officials.

Real Teacher Ed Reform

August 14, 2012

  From Inside Higher Ed by Linda Darling-Hammond Teacher education has been under siege in the last few years, the first line of attack in the growing criticism and more aggressive regulation of higher education. Most recently, the U.S. Department of Education proposed — in a highly contentious negotiated rule-making exercise — to use test […]

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