Leadership Preparation
Principals’ leadership is a critical factor in schools’ success, and school leader preparation programs play a key role in facilitating that success. Specific strategies and resources can support the growth of a strong pipeline of principals who are able to lead teaching and learning in today’s schools.
Understanding principal preparation programs and their benchmarks for quality is a critical aspect of AACTE’s current work. With support from The Wallace Foundation, AACTE engages higher education and PK-12 partners in research, professional development opportunities, and collaborative initiatives focused on strengthening the quality and effectiveness of principal preparation programs.
AACTE is committed to supporting its members in delivering high-quality school leader preparation programs.
Preparing and Sustaining School Principals

AACTE brings you our second podcast dedicated to
supporting the often-unsung heroes in our education system; our principals. With support from the Wallace Foundation, this podcast will dig into research from the Wallace’s Knowledge Center for School Leadership through interviews with researchers like Linda Darling-Hammond, Ed.D., as well as the practitioners and principal preparation leaders who are implementing findings from that research to good use. Over the next five episodes, we will discuss topics like how to prepare principals to be equitable in a climate of censorship, what type of preparation matters when principals are called to be crisis leaders, and how principal candidates view their preparation and future roles as school and community leaders.
Revolutionizing Education Through School Leadership Research

School leadership is second only to teaching among school-related factors in its impact on student learning, and school leader preparation programs play a key role in facilitating that success. As the leading voice in educator preparation, AACTE, with support from the Wallace Foundation, engages higher education and PK-12 partners in research, professional development opportunities, and collaborative initiatives focused on strengthening the quality and effectiveness of principal preparation programs. This new podcast series, which highlights cutting edge research from the Wallace Foundation’s Knowledge Center on School Leadership, is one of those collaborative initiatives.
The University Principal Preparation Initiative Podcast
This podcast chronicles the multi-year principal program redesign initiative undertaken by the Wallace Foundation: The University Principal Preparation Initiative (UPPI), in which seven principal preparation programs were partnered with districts, state policymakers, and a mentor program. The AACTE Presents: The University Principal Preparation Initiative, highlights key insights and innovations from several of those programs through interviews with UPPI directors and prep program consumers at both the student and district levels. This podcast is designed to inspire learning opportunities and educational partnerships among AACTE members and stakeholders, to create highly trained and qualified principals who will influence and shape their learning communities.
School Leadership Organizations and Associations
The Wallace Foundation – School Leadership
More than a decade’s worth of school leadership research.
University Council for Educational Administration
This consortium of higher education institutions is committed to advancing the preparation and practices of effective educational leaders.
Center for Educational Leadership – University of Washington
This center provides support to staff at every level of a school district to improve the principal pipeline.
National Association of Elementary School Principals
NAESP supports elementary school principals with professional development opportunities.