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Revolutionizing Education for All Learners: A Road Map to the Future (2021)

Over the past three years, AACTE has been engaged in a strategic planning process that will guide the organization through the coming decade. This report reflects findings from a vital part of the planning process: input from a cross-section of deans of education and public policy and foundation leaders outside the AACTE organization who are engaged in supporting education. What do these leaders think of the new AACTE strategic plan, its vision, mission, and goals? What insights do they share?

While AACTE relies on a governing structure and membership drawn exclusively from working professional educators, this report provides invaluable perspectives on AACTE strategic priorities from other engaged, knowledgeable observers—specifically, a select group of thought leaders at influential grant-making and public policy organizations, as well as a cross-section of deans of education at diverse U.S. institutions.

These foundation presidents and board members, policy organization directors, and AACTE member and non-member deans of education at large, small, public, and private institutions offer unique insights for AACTE as it initiates steps to revolutionize education for all learners.

Perspectives from these thought leaders will inform AACTE’s president and national office staff as they draft operational plans that realize AACTE’s new vision, mission, and strategic priorities. A secondary gain from this study is the building of relationships with prospective new partners and non-members who share AACTE’s commitment to high-quality educator preparation; promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion; and advancing educator preparation, policy, and practice.

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