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Clinical Practice Commission Report

report cover

The preparation of high-quality teacher candidates involves practical experiences in school-based classrooms interwoven with academic coursework to make future teachers profession ready for the 21st century learner. This report (2018) highlights research-based recommendations, including a shared professional lexicon, for all educators to embrace as a foundation for effectively implementing evidence-based clinical practice. The AACTE Clinical Practice Commission shares its findings on how mutually beneficial partnerships between educator preparation providers and PK-12 can successfully create laboratories of practice for both teacher candidates and practicing teachers, providing continuous improvement for all involved.

Effective clinical practice models are proven means to combat teacher attrition as novice teachers are better prepared for challenges they will face early in their careers. This report highlights the ways in which clinical practice improves student learning, the necessity for governing and funding clinical practice models, and the policy factors important to support the sustainability of clinical practice programs and partnerships.

This report is available to the general public.

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