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Topical Action Groups

Topical Action Groups (TAGs) provide a forum for individuals drawn together by a common interest or purpose within the field of educator preparation. AACTE provides TAGs with operational funds, publicity, online meeting and administrative space, staff support, meeting space at the AACTE Annual Meeting, and the prestige of AACTE affiliation.

TAGs are initiated, organized, and managed by participants, yet approved and overseen by the AACTE president/CEO. They generally focus on matters that a segment of the membership deems to be important to the state of educator preparation. Any individual from a member institution is welcome to apply to join an existing TAG or to start a new TAG.

Interested in learning more about TAGs and how to start one? Download the TAG policies and procedures.


View current TAGS

Interested in joining an existing TAG? Send an email to with the name of the TAG(s) that you are interested in in joining.

Please note that TAGs are working groups. Your decision to join a TAG indicates that you plan to regularly take part in TAG meetings and online conversations, and actively participate in TAG projects and initiatives.

This TAG provides a collaborative network to share updates regarding clinical preparation practices across states and preparation programs and develop effective responses to changes that have or may occur. In addition, this group will focus on improving clinical practice based on implications of performance assessment platforms, such as the edTPA; stay abreast of AACTE’s advocacy efforts and communicate with AACTE staff involved in advocacy efforts regarding positive aspects of clinical preparation that can be shared with the larger community; and illuminate best practices for clinical supervision.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Noran Moffett
Fayetteville State University

This TAG provides a forum for the collaborative and multidisciplinary network of researchers and institutions of teacher preparation using (or considering) a co-teaching model in partnership with P-20 education. The TAG seeks to create a space for dissemination of research on co-teaching, sharing of implementation experiences and development of collaborative research efforts. The Co-Teaching TAG will communicate with AACTE staff to share with the larger community our reform efforts in clinical preparation.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Michelle Damiani
Rowan University

Vicki Luther
Mercer University

Alicia Drelick
Rowan University

This TAG purpose is to build and sustain inclusive practice, nationwide, by connecting communities and systems begun through CEEDAR work. The work is focused on the four areas of practice, collaboration, research, and policy in inclusive practices. TAG supports capacity in inclusive practices by bringing stakeholders together in partnerships, developing a repository of resources and research, advocating in policy arenas, advancing and promoting high-leverage practices, supporting the preparation of transformative educators, and providing pathways to action.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

April Regester
University of Missouri, St. Louis

The Department Heads, Chairs, and Directors TAG will provide professional development, networking opportunities, and support for academic leaders who serve in the administrative role of head, chair, or director. The TAG will provide a forum for learning and communication about ideas, issues, and information relevant to leaders of academic units that prepare educators.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

David Virtue
Auburn University

This TAG will articulate why teacher diversification is important; encourage campuses to diversify their teaching candidate pools and provide them with strategies to do so; identify ways to encourage candidates from underrepresented backgrounds to enter the teaching workforce; and identify how the community can provide ongoing support for these teachers once they enter the workforce.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Dr. Bianca Nightengale-Lee (Co-Chair)
Florida Atlantic University

Dr. Amanda Morales (Co-Chair)
University of Nebraska Lincoln

The purpose of this TAG is to advocate, promote, and strengthen statewide teacher education program articulation agreements with a focus on easing the pathway between two and four-year institutions. Thus fostering an innovative, diversified workforce through encouraging partnerships, effective best practices, and scholarly research.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Ashley Simpson
Community College of Aurora

The AACTE Topical Action Group on Educator Preparation in Partnership with Families and Communities seeks to build and sustain a collaborative network of teacher educators who are committed to preparing socially just, equity-focused, community teachers with the capacity to enact pedagogies that are culturally relevant, responsive, and sustaining. The TAG will create a space for dissemination and sharing of innovative and best practices in community-engaged teacher preparation from colleges and universities throughout the world. The TAG will foster opportunities for members to collaborate on research, curate resources, and work toward promoting policies and strategies to improve teacher preparation programs situated in minoritized communities.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Eva Zygmunt
Ball State University

This TAG will centralize news and information on policy and research relevant to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Cynthia Nicholson, PhD
Norfolk State University

This TAG seeks to promote the revision and refinement of educator preparation programs regarding STEM, particularly in the areas of technology and engineering, to align with the common core and next generation science standards. This TAG also seeks to develop and promote best practice models of STEM integration that consider student diversity. To address these needs, this group will collect and analyze data as outlined in the projects and goals.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Sumi Hagiwara, PhD, Chair, Department of Teaching and Learning
Montclair State University

The Internationalization of Teacher Education Topical Action Group (TAG) supports the integration of international, intercultural, and global experiences and perspectives into the curriculum of teacher education (including the clinical component) to ensure that all teachers are properly trained to prepare their students to thrive in a globally connected, diverse world. This TAG focuses on identifying and assessing unique indicators of global competency in pre- and in-service teachers and programs. It also focuses on measuring the benefits and impact of internationalization on teacher education programs and recent graduates. It promotes this agenda through conducting and disseminating research, sharing examples and best practices, facilitating a mentoring program, and analyzing policy.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Tara Mathien
University of Florida

This TAG is a collaborative, interdisciplinary group that advocates for the inclusion of LGBTQ topics in teacher preparation, through law and policy, curriculum and instruction, school environment, peer relationships, and family partnerships. Educators and families need to know the rights and responsibilities of schools to ensure non-discriminatory environments and curricula that impact all children. Teacher education programs are often the first places where educators learn to address bias, prejudice and discrimination, as well as collaborate with school districts to make schools safe, welcoming and inclusive for gender non-conforming and LGBTQ youth and families.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Will Coghill-Behrends
University of Iowa

With hundreds of new enrollments each year, education and teacher preparation has historically been and remains amongst the most popular fields for military-connected individuals. Transitioning Veterans, Active duty service members, and dependents continuously take formal steps toward becoming a teacher. As educator preparation programs commit to addressing national staffing shortages with innovation and creativity, many do so in close proximity to military installations and a pipeline of service-minded individuals. This TAG aims to highlight longstanding connections between the military and education as well as cultivate new opportunities between the two.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Dr. Dustin Merritt
Kansas State University

Dr. Nicole Moore
East Carolina University

Preparing Educators of English Learners is a collaborative, inter disciplinary TAG that advocates for and supports the preparation of teachers of all subjects and grade levels to address the language and literacy needs of English learners.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

Joyce Nutta
University of Central Florida

The purpose of the Preparing Teachers for Rural Schools and Communities TAG is to support and explore opportunities for educator preparation providers (EPPs) that prepare teachers for rural schools. The TAG also highlights best practices and innovative delivery models for educator preparation in rural communities as well as partnerships with local education agencies that help meet rural needs for teacher licensure, administration licensure, and alternative licensure support.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Sara Hartman
Ohio University

The purpose of the Principal Preparation and Support TAG is to develop strong, equity-focused leadership preparation and systems of support for sustainable leadership practices. The TAG focuses on identifying research gaps and guiding collaborative research projects across various AACTE TAGs. The TAG also highlights best practice and innovative delivery models for leadership communities as well as partnerships with local education agencies and university that help meet needs for principal preparation and administration licensure.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Sheila Moore
University of Central Florida

This group will focus on identifying current research gaps in teacher preparation literature to guide collaborative research projects among TAG members. The group will share findings with AACTE advocacy entities for incorporation into the broader advocacy platform. This TAG intends to analyze current research and identify two or three areas of research for consideration; select one research area to pursue and develop a proposal and timeline; and present findings at the TAG business meeting in 2015.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Lisa Huffman
Texas Woman’s University

The Urban Education Topical Action Group (TAG) goals are organized to appeal to instructional, administrative, and or academic research leaders who have a commitment to enhancing practices, processes, and norms in urban schools with an additional focus on disrupting educational inequality to advance equity within urban school settings. The TAG aspires to bring together social justice focused professionals within AACTE who represent various perspectives to form a vibrant national urban education network. The TAG’s purposes are unique, as there are no other TAGs that specifically service the urban education niche. Furthermore, our purpose is also in line with the professional standards, goals, and missions of AACTE. Thus, the Urban Education TAG will explore ways our work can build upon the professional practices and the growing body of research which highlights content that promotes urban education through best practices shared via webinars, research reports, and conference networking opportunities. Essentially, in the spirit of learning, engagement, and collaboration, the TAG will encourage members to join together to create bold professional development tools that showcase our commitment to serving professionals in urban education.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Amanda Wilkerson
University of Central Florida

The Women in Leadership topical action group seeks to: strengthen colleges of education through leadership development; advance a professional network among members interested in leadership; encourage diverse members to pursue leadership positions; support women considering career or advancement opportunities in leadership; initiate, encourage, and disseminate studies of women in leadership; and provide professional development and mentoring to members interested in enhancing professional and personal success in concert with their positions.

Interested in joining this TAG? Email

For more information, contact:

Beth Kubitskey
Eastern Michigan University


Brooke Evans
Director, Research & Practice

Contact Brooke

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