Global Education Professional Learning Series Presents: Cross-Cultural Collaboration: How EPPs Can Foster Relationships with International Partners Webinar Slides Webinar Resources Learning with the world, not just about it, global education promotes communication skills, critical thinking, and reflective techniques, all of which are crucial to learning development. This webinar will feature AACTE member institutions, Marist University, the University of Florida, and the University of Missouri-St. Louis as they discuss their international collaborations with teacher educators from Brazil, Ecuador, and South Africa. Learn how these partnerships teach students how to inquire about the world, engage in respectful dialogue, and encourage the use of technology as a means of globalizing educator preparation. The learning outcomes will address: How cross-cultural opportunities can be created through the use of a virtual environment. Unique ways to engage students with international partners through both mobile and stationary exchange work. Defining COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) collaborations and how they can build intercultural competencies and support for both in-service and pre-service teachers in educator preparation programs. Moderator: Gilda Martinez Alba, Towson University Panelists: Christina Wright-Fields, Marist University Renata Castillo, Universidad San Francisco de Quito Jancileidi Hübner, University of Passo Fundo Alina Slapac University of Missouri-St Louis Karen Collett, University of the Western Cape Tara Mathien, University of Florida The Global Education Faculty Professional Development Series is supported by the Longview Foundation. Moderator: Gilda Martinez Alba, Ed.D. Assistant Dean & Professor, College of Education Towson University Martinez-Alba is the assistant dean in the college of education at Towson University and the co-chair of the Committee on Global Diversity at AACTE. She focuses her scholarship and service initiatives on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI), such as social-emotional learning for multilingual learners globally. It is reflected in her book, Social-Emotional Learning in the English Language Classroom: Fostering Growth, Self-Care, and Independence (an international bestseller). Other books by Alba include English U.S.A. Every Day, which has sold over 7,000 copies around the world, and Wordless Books: So Much to Say! (also an international bestseller). Most recently, she edited two books sponsored by the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) with the support of the ATE Diversity Committee, Antiracist Teacher Education: Theory and Practice and Antiracist Teacher Education: Counternarratives and Storytelling, which feature a wide range of authors. Speakers: Renata Castillo, Ph.D. Professor and Coordinator, Education Program Universidad San Francisco de Quito Castillo has been a professor in the education program at USFG since 2010 and coordinator of the program since 2021. She received her Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from New Mexico University and includes critical literacy, bilingual education, and social justice education among her research interests. Karen Collett, Ph.D. Senior Lecturer University of the Western Cape Collett is a senior lecturer in the discipline of school leadership and management in the educational studies department at the University of the Western Cape. She has worked in the area of school/teacher development through NGEO’s and higher education institutions (HEIs) in South Africa and Namibia. She has a particular interest in teacher well-being, school leadership development and the development of schools as thinking and learning organizations. She was the South African coordinator and co-initiator of an Erasmus Plus partnership focused on teacher well-being and language diversity in collaboration with partners in HEI’s and schools in Norway, Denmark, and Ireland. A recent research interest is in the area of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and the development of student academic literacies.