Shortage to Surplus: 5 Shifts to Address the National Educator Shortage
To promote conversations across traditional silos, AASPA convened PK-20 stakeholders to discuss educator workforce and pipeline shortages at the 2022 & 2023 National Educator Shortage Summit. AACTE was a co-sponsor of this important convening, and the results of this gathering are represented in the 5 Shifts to Address the National Educator Shortage report.
This white paper moves beyond surface-level responses to examine deeper, systemic issues that contribute to mismatches between educator supply and demand. Five comprehensive shifts are presented in contrast to traditional calls to action. A discussion of each shift contains high-level recommendations, along with examples of actions that different stakeholder groups can take to address the educator shortage.
This fall, AASPA expanded the white paper to include examples from PK-12, postsecondary organizations, state departments of education, and organizations across the country that are implementing elements of the 5 Shifts.
Join this webinar to learn how you can use the five shifts to examine your institution’s practices and to engage PK-12 partners in efforts to address the educator shortage.
Jacqueline E. King, Ph.D.
Senior Consultant
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)
Jacqueline King is an independent consultant who works with K-12 and higher education leaders to improve student outcomes. She is also a collaborator with the Education First consulting group. King has had a long career in education, including 15 years at the American Council on Education (ACE). She is the author or co-author of numerous reports, articles, and book chapters on college readiness, student financing of higher education, access and persistence in postsecondary education, student demographic trends, educator preparation, philanthropic giving to colleges and universities, and trends in the leadership of higher education. She has authored several reports for AACTE, including Colleges of Education: A National Portrait. Her work has been featured on CNN and in national publications such as The New York Times, Time, USA Today, and the Washington Post.
Kelly Coash-Johnson, pHCLE
Executive Director
American Association of School Personnel Administrators (AASPA)
Kelly Coash-Johnson is the executive director of the American Association of School Personnel Administrators (AASPA). AASPA’s mission is to provide every member with services, resources, and information vital to successful school human resource practices in the interest of students and provide leadership in promoting effective human talent practices. Kelly has over 25 years of experience with educational associations working with not only PK12 HR Administrators, but with superintendents, principals, and special education administrators. As executive director, Kelly works with multiple state K12 HR Administrators learning and sharing best practices and strategic leadership. Kelly has been with AASPA for 10 years. She holds a professional human capital leader in education certification and is currently working on her doctorate, where she is studying retention of veteran teachers.
Aimee Green-Webb, Ph.D., PHR
Chief of Human Resources
Jefferson County Public Schools
Aimee Green-Webb is the chief of human resources for Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS). As the product of and former leader of Kentucky’s only district-based alternative route to certification program, Green-Webb has a unique perspective of teacher workforce complexities. She taught at the elementary level and provided district and state instructional leadership in the area of elementary education and literacy for nine years, then joined the JCPS HR team. Green-Webb’s HR leadership experience includes teacher induction, mentoring, evaluation, recruitment and retention, labor negotiations, and alternative routes to certification. Her research interests include new teacher job satisfaction, teacher retention, and workforce diversity. Green-Webb is married and has three adult children with whom she enjoys serving the Louisville community.
Sara Skretta, Ed.D., PHR
Sr. Director & Certification Officer
Office of Accreditation, Placement & Licensure
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
College of Education & Human Sciences
Sara Skretta is the senior director of accreditation, placement, and licensure at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s College of Education and Human Sciences. Her work focuses on pre-service educators, school district staffing solutions, licensure, and educator shortage. She is the president of the Nebraska Council on Teacher Education and is a co-chair of the Nebraska State Educator Shortage Steering Committee. Skretta also serves as the co-chair of the AACTE Membership Development and Capacity Building Committee and is a member of the Legislative Committee of the American Association of School Personnel Administrators. During her more than 20-year education career, she served as a high school English teacher, coach, and high school administrator, followed by roles as a human resources executive for private, non-profit organizations, before returning to her alma mater, UNL. Skretta is the proud parent of four boys and the wife of a school administrator.