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Preparing for Washington Week: How to be an Effective Advocate

Is this your first-time attending Washington Week, or do you need a refresher on federal policy making?  Join AACTE’s government affairs experts as they break down how Congress works, who the key players are, and the major legislative processes. During this webinar, speakers will also share best practices and tips for effective advocacy.


Jacqueline King, Ph.D.
Senior Consultant

Jacqueline King, Ph.D., is an independent consultant who works with K-12 and higher education leaders to improve student outcomes. King has had a long career in education, including 15 years at the American Council on Education (ACE). She is the author or co-author of numerous reports, articles, and book chapters on college readiness, student financing of higher education, access and persistence in postsecondary education, student demographic trends, educator preparation, philanthropic giving to colleges and universities, and trends in the leadership of higher education. She has authored several reports for AACTE, including Colleges of Education: A National Portrait. Her work has been featured on CNN and in national publications such as The New York Times, Time, USA Today, and the Washington Post.

Michael Yudin
The Raben Group

After more than two decades of advocating for equitable opportunities for educationally disadvantaged children and youth within the federal government, Michael K. Yudin helps Raben’s clients navigate the educational terrain through his role as principal in the Government Affairs practice. Before joining Raben, Michael worked on behalf of the Obama administration at the U.S. Department of Education, serving in several capacities, including assistant secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services and as acting assistant secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education.

Carla Pierre Rynerson
The Raben Group

Carla Pierre Rynerson is a director at Raben’s Government Affairs practice area where she brings years of experience in advocacy, running issue campaigns, and coalition building to help her clients advance their policy priorities. At Raben, Carla advises nonprofit organizations and Fortune 500 companies on a variety of issues, including education, telecommunications, workforce development, and child care, among others.

Carla also serves as director of government affairs for Friends of the American Latino Museum, a nonprofit organization focused on the creation of a National Museum of the American Latino on the National Mall. She has played an instrumental role in the passage of the National Museum of the American Latino Act in 2020 and continues to lead the efforts to ensure the museum is built on the National Mall, among the other iconic museums telling our nation’s story.


May 22 2024


1:00 pm - 1:45 pm


Members-only Webinar
Watch the Recording

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