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Lunch and Learn: A (Multimedia and Evidence-Based) Ranch Hand to Help Tame the Wild West of Teacher Candidate Supervision: Introducing the COACHED Platform

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Michael Kennedy (University of Virginia), a member of AACTE’s Innovation & Technology Committee, will introduce the COACHED Platform (Capturing Observations and Collaboratively sHaring Educational Data), a suite of evidence-based coaching tools and professional learning materials for teacher educators. He will also address questions about how COACHED can fit alongside existing (and required) checklists or other evaluations of teacher candidates.   


Michael J. Kennedy, Ph.D.
Professor, Special Education 
University of Virginia
Member, AACTE Committee on Innovation & Technology 

Michael J. Kennedy’s main area of research is the design, implementation, and experimental testing of multimedia-based interventions to support pre and in-service teachers’ knowledge and implementation of evidence-based practices.  He has designed and experimentally tested numerous multimedia products intended to support teacher and student outcomes.  Kennedy has published over 65 peer-reviewed articles and managed over $15 million in federal grant dollars.  He is currently funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER), both within the U.S. Department of Education.  Projects include the development and empirical testing of COACHED, a comprehensive teacher observation, reflection, and feedback platform, and a multimedia professional development process using COACHED and other tools to support inclusive science teachers’ vocabulary instruction.  He was an inaugural winner of the early career research and mentoring grant competition from NCSER in 2013.  He is co-editor of the Journal of Special Education Technology and Chair of UVA’s Faculty Senate.  Kennedy was awarded the 2021 TED/Pearson Excellence in Teacher Education Award, and UVA’s Alumni Board of Trustees Award for excellence in university teaching in 2015. 


Nov 14 2023


1:00 pm - 1:30 pm


Members-only Webinar
Watch the Recording

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