2025 Leadership Academy
Monday, June 23 – Thursday, June 26
Baltimore, MD
AACTE’s 2025 Leadership Academy will take place Monday, June 23 – Thursday, June 26. The Leadership Academy offers a unique opportunity for deans, department chairs, and other administrators and faculty to enhance their leadership skills, address current challenges, and build a professional peer network.
New Deans Academy: Designed for new deans and department chairs/heads who began service in the past three years, this event provides an important boost to those in the early stages of their new role and offers time to step away from their offices to focus on learning, networking, and strategic directions. This newer program is an opportunity for participants to concentrate on the unique challenges they face, identify potential solutions for issues that are top of mind, and facilitate connections among others serving in similar roles.
Additional Registrants at Same Institution – $799
Non-Members – $1,499