Programmatic Advisory Committees 2024-2025

Charge: The purpose of this committee is to advise the AACTE staff and Board of Directors on current trends, issues, and needed programming related to diversity in educator preparation program faculty and candidates.  The Committee is an outgrowth of the Diversifying the Workforce Topical Action Group (TAG), which will continue to operate in tandem with the new committee. Together, the committee and TAG are a powerful demonstration of the interest and commitment of AACTE members to promoting an education workforce that mirrors the diversity of the K-12 student population.

Committee on Educator Diversity

Co-Chair: Nichole Brown, SUNY Oswego (2027)
Co-Chair: Taryrn Brown, University of Florida (2026)

Board Liaison:  Laura Alamillo, Sonoma State University (2025)

Karis Clarke, Touro University-CA (2027)
Monica Dillihunt, University of Alabama (2027)
Amanda Morales, University of Nebraska (2026)
Katherine Norris, Howard University (2025)

Staff LiaisonNicole Dunn

Charge: The Committee on Global Diversity is charged with fostering the development of quality teaching and professional education practices that promote diversity, equity, and global perspectives that advance the preparation of world-class educators responsive to all learners. This work includes –

  • Providing expertise and leadership to help strengthen professional education programs and capacity in global diversity through the creation, promotion, and/or dissemination of related deliverables via AACTE or other approved venues
  • Advising AACTE’s global diversity initiatives

Co-Chair: Shea Kerkhoff, University of Missouri Saint Louis (2026)
Co-Chair: Novea Mcintosh, University of Dayton (2025)

Board Liaison: Carole Basile, Arizona State University (2025)

Judith R. Cruzado-Guerrero, Towson University (2026)
Lori Czop Assaf, Texas State University (2027)
Mandy Hansen, Colorado Dept. of Education (2027)
Michael Putman, University of North Carolina – Charlotte (2025)
Luciana de Oliveira, Virginia Commonwealth University (2027)
Lin Wu, Western Oregon University (2026)

Staff LiaisonBrooke Evans

Charge: The Committee on Government Relations and Advocacy is charged with supporting AACTE and its membership in its advocating for the profession. This work includes –

  • Serving as the lead advocates of the AACTE membership and working to build the capacity of AACTE and its members to be the nation’s leading advocates for educator preparation at the state and national levels
  • Supporting AACTE’s government relations staff in the development of national legislative priorities and activities
  • Advising AACTE’s government relations and advocacy activities

Chair: Christine Gentry, New York University (2025)

Board Liaison: Bryan Duke, University of Central Oklahoma (2027)

Meredith Critchfield, Grand Canyon University (2027)
Alan Sebel, Touro University (2026)
Jared Stallones, University of Northern Colorado (2027)
Desha Williams, West Chester University (2026)
James Wolfinger, Illinois State University (2025)

Staff LiaisonJacqueline King

Charge: The purpose of the Holmes Program Advisory Committee is to advise the AACTE staff and Board of Directors on the implementation and expansion of the Holmes Program, AACTE’s signature program promoting diversity among leaders and scholars in education.

Co-chair: Leslie Ekpe, Texas A&M University-Commerce (2027)
Co-chair: Bianca Nightengale-Lee, Florida Atlantic University (2025)

Board Liaison:  Rhonda Jeter, Bowie State University (2025)
Gina Anderson, Texas Woman’s University (2027)
Lora Bailey, Virginia Commonwealth University (2026)
Charles Barnes, Rowan University (2025)
Belinda Edwards, Kennesaw State University (2027)
Amanda Wilkerson, University of Central Florida (2025)

Staff Liaison: Nicole Dunn

Charge: The Committee on Innovation and Technology is charged with developing the Association’s classroom reform and technology agendas related to PK-12 and postsecondary education. This work includes –

  • Promoting the use of innovative strategies and technological interventions in schools and professional educator preparation contexts by gathering and disseminating information about resources and practices
  • Facilitating communication and interaction about innovations in learning and technology among educator preparation faculty
  • Advising AACTE’s innovation and technology initiatives

Co-chair: Guy Trainin, University of Nebraska – Lincoln (2026)
Co-chair:  Lorrie Webb, Texas A&M University San Antonio (2025)

Board Liaison: Marcie Wycoff-Horn, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (2025)

Laurie M Bobley, Touro University (2026)
Michael Kennedy, University of Virginia (2025)
Punya Mishra, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University (2026)
Peña Bedesem, Kent State University (2027)
Jon Margerum-Leys, Oakland University (2027)

Staff Liaison: Brooke Evans

Charge: The Committee on Meetings and Professional Development is charged with recommending and supporting professional development activities that strengthen member programs and build their capacity to prepare educators who can teach every child effectively. This work includes –

  • Identifying and developing themes and strands for the Annual Meeting, drafting the accompanying calls for proposals, and coordinating the proposal solicitation process
  • Verifying the Annual Meeting proposal review process, ensuring reviews are completed, and making decisions on member sessions based on reviewer feedback
  • Recommending speakers and topics for AACTE sessions during the Annual Meeting
  • Advising on topics and programming for the Leadership Academy
  • Advising AACTE regarding the professional development needs of the membership and new formats for delivery of professional development activities

Co-Chair: Kelli Carney, Northeastern State University (2025)
Co-Chair: Tori Colson, University of Souther Indiana (2026)

Board Liaison: Loury Floyd, Lenoir-Rhyne University (2026)

Reyna García Romas, Pepperdine University (2027)
Molly Gerrish, University of Wisconsin – River Falls (2026)
Erin Horne, North Carolina State University (2027)
Audrey Lensmire, Augsbury University (2026)
Laura Spenceley, SUNY-Oswego (2027)
Shelia Williams, Elizabeth City State University (2025)
Jennifer Waddell, University of Missouri – Kansas City (2025)

Staff Liaisons: Shari Baker

Charge: The Committee on Membership Development and Capacity Building is charged with advising AACTE around member recruitment and retention, including ongoing attention to dues structures and membership categories that best meet the needs of the Association. This work includes –

  • Participating in the design and implementation of member recruitment and retention initiatives, including the identification of timely educator preparation issues, programs, and services that can best meet the needs of the educator preparation community
  • Developing member feedback and evaluation methods to inform what programs and services would respond to current needs
  • Participating in development and evaluation of communication and marketing plans for existing and new programs and services for members and prospective members
  • Assisting AACTE staff in developing prospective member recruitment initiatives with AACTE state chapters and member institutions
  • Advising AACTE’s other membership initiatives

Co-chair:  Rochonda Nenonene, University of Dayton (2025)
Co-chair: Sara Skretta, University of Nebraska Lincoln (2025)

Board Liaison: Loleta Sartin, Mercer University (2025)

Larry Daniel, University of Texas Permian Basin (2026)
Thomas Koballa, Mercer University (2025)
Rachel Martinez, University of Houston – Victoria (2026)
Clay Smith, East Carolina University (2025)

Staff Liaisons:  Jeanette Brown and Jenn Dorsey

Charge: The Committee on Research and Dissemination is charged with advising and assisting the Association in facilitating, promoting, and disseminating research that adds to the knowledge base for educator preparation, making meaningful contributions to the professional narrative, and building the capacity of the field and the Association to inform policy and practice. This work includes –

  • Administering the Association’s Writing and Research Awards, issuing an annual call for entries and reviewing applications for the Outstanding Book Award, Outstanding Dissertation Award, and Outstanding JTE Article Award
  • Advising AACTE’s other research-related initiatives

Co-Chair: Nicholas Hartlep, Berea College (2027)
Co-Chair: Jian Wang, Texas Tech University (2027)

Board Liaison: Stacey Victor, Sam Houston State University (2026)

Anne Cash, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2026)
Timothy Goodale, Elizabeth City State University (2026)
Olivia Modesto, Texas A&M University – Kingsville (2026)
Brianne Walsh Morettini, Rowan University (2027)
Shelbie Witte, Oklahoma State University (2025)

Staff Liaisons: Brooke Evans