Holmes Program

The AACTE Holmes Program supports students who self-identify as racially and ethnically diverse and are pursuing graduate degrees in education at AACTE member institutions. Founded in 1991 for doctoral students, the Holmes Program now provides mentorship, peer support, and professional development opportunities at three levels:

  • The AACTE Holmes Scholars Program supports doctoral and post-doctoral students. Learn more
  • The AACTE Holmes Master’s Program supports master’s students at current Holmes institutions. Learn more

Learn more about the education-related careers and pathways pursued by Holmes students.

Participation in the Holmes Program is open to all AACTE member institutions; AACTE charges no additional fee to enroll. Sponsoring institutions are responsible for supporting their Holmes students according to the participation requirements. If you are interested in starting a Holmes program contact Nicole Dunn at ndunn@aacte.org.

Learn more about the history and governance of the AACTE Holmes Program.

2024 Research and Dissertation Retreat

Join AACTE for the Holmes 2024 Research and Dissertation Retreat, a unique opportunity for Holmes Scholars and master’s students. With half of the agenda dedicated to writing and the other half dedicated to community-building and track-targeted sessions, this retreat covers topics such as establishing a dissertation committee, funding research, and publication processes. Tracks include the following:

  • Prospective and First Year Doctoral Students
  • Doctoral Students Approaching or Starting Candidacy
  • Doctoral Candidates

Participants will learn research methods, select theoretical frameworks, identify funding opportunities, and develop strategies to publish and present research. Attendance is required once during a Scholar’s tenure and this year the fee to attend is $295. Coordinators are welcome to attend (but not required) for a modest registration fee of $75 and must register to attend the conference.


Program Benefits

Benefits for Sponsoring Institutions

  • Participation in the AACTE Holmes Program is an effective tool for recruiting new students of color.
  • Participation in the program enhances students’ retention and graduation rates by providing a support network of peers and unique opportunities for professional experiences.
  • Participation in the program demonstrates and enhances the institution’s role as a leader in supporting diversity in the PK-20 education workforce.
  • Institutions receive free distribution of faculty search announcements in the Scholars Report monthly e-newsletter.
  • Sponsoring institutions are recognized in AACTE materials.

Benefits for Students

  • Membership in a national network of peers with access to dedicated online social networks.
  • Mentoring opportunities by Holmes Program alumni currently in academia and other leadership positions.
  • Opportunities to present research at the AACTE Annual Meeting.
  • Dedicated mentoring programs at the AACTE Annual Meeting.
  • Annual Holmes Summer Policy Institute in Washington, DC, including participation in AACTE’s Day on the Hill and networking events associated with the AACTE State Leaders Institute.
  • Annual Holmes Dissertation Retreat and Research Symposium hosted by a Holmes Program institution.
  • Leadership and professional development opportunities at the national level, such as participation in conference presentations and policy/advocacy training.