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AACTE Statement on Federal Award of 2014 Teacher Quality Partnership Grants

October 1, 2014
Press Releases & Statements
Official AACTE Statement
For interviews, contact: Jerrica Thurman
202-478-4502 or

(September 30, 2014, Washington, D.C.) – AACTE is thrilled that the US Department of Education last week announced the awarding of a new round of Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) grants, the federal government’s only investment in reforming teacher preparation. With grants totaling more than $35 million to 24 partnerships in the first year alone, these awards will assist to recruit, train and support more than 11,000 educators in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields.

AACTE is pleased by the Administration’s recognition of the value of continued federal investment in higher education-based teacher preparation programs. Many AACTE member institutions have benefited from TQP funding since the program’s inception in 2009, and the new round of grants expands the reach to more institutions and their partner schools.