A New Chapter for University-Urban High School Partnerships in Chicago


From Education Week
By Learning First Alliance

At AACTE, we have made a priority of advocating for robust collaborations between university based educator preparation programs and PK-12 schools. After all, it is those schools in which our members’ graduates will one day teach, counsel or lead. I have seen successes and failures in these partnerships. I’ve seen promise and adversity, hope and apprehension. Above all, though, I have seen an impressive commitment from educator preparation professionals and school leaders. In the face of budget cuts that leave such partnerships hanging by a thread, they have remained dedicated to the task at-hand, serving student learners the best way they can. I recently asked David Prasse, who serves as dean of Loyola University Chicago’s School of Education, to explain more about a new partnership that has emerged between his program and a local urban high school. What he provides is an honest representation of the hard work that is really worth it.

– Sharon P. Robinson, Ed.D., President and CEO of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)

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