AACTE Applauds the National Education Association’s Push for Broad Expansion of the Teacher Performance Assessment

Official AACTE Statement

For interviews, contact: Lisa Johnson
202-478-4502 or ljohnson@aacte.org

(December 16, 2011, Washington, D.C.) – The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) celebrates further progress in the nationwide adoption of the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA), after National Education Association (NEA) President Dennis Van Roekel announced a new agenda  to strengthen the teaching profession and improve student learning that includes urging broad expansion of the TPA.

The TPA continues to capture increased interest across the nation with more than 10,000 teacher candidates expected to participate in the field test next spring. The NEA’s support acknowledges the critical role that the TPA will play in ensuring that new educators possess the knowledge and skills to enhance student learning and exhibit classroom proficiency through clinical practice.

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