AACTE Supports Report Citing Need for Teachers to Differentiate Instruction for Diverse Learners

Official AACTE Statement

For interviews, contact: Lisa Johnson
 202-478-4502 or ljohnson@aacte.org

Organization Highlights Positive Momentum in Educator Preparation Programs

(March 25, 2011, Washington, D.C.) – The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) applauds Part 2 of the new MetLife Survey of the American Teacher: Preparing Students for College and Careers: Teaching Diverse Learners. The survey’s findings and accompanying report explores and brings much-needed attention to the differences among groups of students and the needs of diverse learners, how well teachers address those in instruction and how well students feel their needs are being met.

Among the particularly significant results, the survey found that only six in ten teachers said that they were able to differentiate instruction a “great deal” to address the different learning needs of students within a class. The fact that 40 percent did not feel adept at differentiating instruction is disappointing. AACTE echoes the 90 percent of teachers who noted that the need to strengthen programs and resources to help diverse learners meet college- and career-ready standards should be a priority in education.

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