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AACTE Applauds the Passage of the Higher Education Reconciliation Bill

September 10, 2007
Press Releases & Statements

Jade Floyd,
or 202.478.4596

Legislation includes funds for innovative TEACH grant program and Centers of Excellence  

Washington, D.C. (September 10, 2007) Last Friday, the United States Congress approved the Higher Education Reconciliation Bill (College Cost Reduction and Access Act, H.R. 2669) creating TEACH grants, an innovative program to recruit and support new teachers.

Under Title I of the bill, TEACH Grants offer tuition assistance (scholarships) for undergraduates and graduates who agree to teach for four years in public schools with high shortage or high need subject areas including, mathematics, science, foreign languages, bilingual education, special education, and reading.

“This level of investment in teacher recruitment is historically unprecedented. The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) has worked diligently to ensure TEACH grants were included in this bill. These grants will serve as a magnate to help attract students interested in these critical high-needs subjects,” said Dr. Sharon P. Robinson, president and CEO of AACTE. “This is a wise investment in teachers that will pay off handsomely by enhancing our nation’s capacity to participate in the highly competitive global economy.”

Undergraduate TEACH grants fund up to $4,000 per year per student for a total of $16,000. Graduate TEACH grants are for a maximum of $8,000 per student for a Master’s degree. Students eligible for TEACH grants must have a high grade point average or a high score on an admissions test. Students who receive TEACH grants must agree to serve as full-time teachers for at least four academic years within eight years after completing their course of study.

For the complete language and summary of the Higher Education Reconciliation Bill please visit