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Portland State, Ball State and Texas Christian Universities to Receive Joint AACTE-Southern Poverty Law Center Award

February 6, 2012
Press Releases & Statements
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(Feb. 6, 2012, Washington, D.C.) – The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) and the Southern Poverty Law Center will present the AACTE-Southern Poverty Law Center Award for Exemplary Culturally Responsive Teacher Preparation, a special one-time honor, to Portland State University’s Graduate School of Education. Second-place honors for the award will be shared by Ball State University’s Schools Within the Context of Community Program and the Texas Christian University College of Education’s Center for Urban Education. The awards, which recognize exemplary teacher preparation programs that use research on culturally responsive pedagogy in powerful learning experiences for teacher candidates, will be presented February 17 at AACTE’s 64th Annual Meeting in Chicago.